over the past week this is what happened worth writing........
it was surely worth coming back to this book after around 10 months....(i say so because i read 80 pages of this book last october,but couldn't read rest for some reasons........)
started reading it last monday(28th july)...and completed it today only....(i think my speed's improving..as far as reading motivational books is concerned)
MY TAKE---the book's title line is "a fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny"........and ya....truly justifies...a simple fable explained to the depth,in an even simpler way........every single thing in the fable,represents some virtue...in total the seven virtues of enlightened living.........i think everyone will find something common between his life and the examples cited to explain the philosophy,let it be your desire to wake up early,loose weight' stay healthy,become happy(ier) .........or......anything else...a beautifully written book......explaining the very important virtues in your life....your time,being disciplined,serving others etc.....
the book also truly justifies....PAULO COELHO'S words about itself...."A CAPTIVATING STORY THAT TEACHES AS IT DELIGHTS"....every chapter ,every page,every paragraph.....has something in it that one can learn from..(i think if anyone has a habit of underlying good lines while reading......will end up underlying around 50% of this book's words).......
i liked chapter "the ancient art of self-leadership" the most(even though the biggest chapter) for it talks about the ten rituals of radiant living,(will love to try these atleast once)......except for this there are numerous techniques listed that one can make use of.....from the heart of rose technique to practicing daily act of kindness and being silent for some time .......
i think this is one of those books that one should keep with himself and read it number of times...like "regular doses of motivation'.....because i think such numerous techniques,quotes,words are not easy to digest in single reading(even though explained simply)
the book is full of life changing,motivational,thought provoking quotes....and ending my review i am using some of those.......
"The secret of happiness is simple:find out what what you truly love to do and then direct all your energy towards doing it.once you do this,abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace"
this is extremely motivational........found my first reading of motivational books interesting.......i think good time to read another..........here comes what i presently have next with me---"BORN TO WIN"..........COMING SOON......with it's reviews.............